Jump in your time machine, visit the future, and determine the answer to our current question. Predict the correct answer and win the Zackpot (or a share if there are multiple winners)! Play for just one TCredit. Earn 10 Rewardicals for every entry! No purchase necessary to win.

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Jump in your time machine, visit the future, and determine the answer to our current question (shown below). Predict the correct answer and win entries into the Daily Grand and a nifty badge! You may enter one prediction daily for free and an additional two predictions per day for one ZCredit each. Each ZCredit spent will earn you 10 Rewardicals! No purchase necessary to win. For ways to attain free ZCredits for free game entries, click HERE.

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Official TripleClicks time: December 21st, 2024 8:26:55 PM
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